PhD defence
PhD Defence by Fiametta Caccavale
“From Programming to Chatbots: Digitalization Strategies in Chemical Engineering Education”
The defence will also be held virtually. You can sign up for the virtual defence by sending an e-mail to Marina Yovkova Linova latest on
24th January at 12:00. You will then receive an invitation to join the virtual defence.
Principal supervisor:
Assoc. Professor Ulrich Krühne
DTU Chemical Engineering
Professor Krist V. Gernaey
DTU Chemical Engineering
Researcher Carina Loureiro da Costa Lira Gargalo
DTU Chemical Engineering
Associate Prof. Jakob K. Huusom (Chairman)
DTU Chemical Engineering
Professor Jarka Glassey
Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Professor Brent Richmond Young
Auckland University, New Zealand
Chairperson at defence:
Researcher Marina Yovkova Linova
DTU Chemical Engineering
Gitte Læssøe Administrative coordinator Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering