Professor Anker Degn Jensen at DTU Chemical Engineering named as one of the most prominent researchers in Europe in E-fuels
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has together with IRIS Group, Net Zero Tech Alliance and Breakthrough Energy Europe has mapped researchers and institutions across Europe which are working on the development of climate technologies. In total 272 researchers across 12 technology areas have been selected for a database on the
‘Net-Zero Tech Alliance’ homepage. The database goes public in April.
Through this mapping, Professor Anker Degn Jensen is found one of the most active and prominent researchers across 50 research institutions in Europe within E-fuels for heavy transport. The selection was carried out after a thorough validation based on Anker Degn Jensen’ publications. His research in E-fuels include how to turn biomass and CO2 into fuels for the aviation and shipping industries.
Congratulations to Professor Anker Degn Jensen with the selection.