The Hempel Foundation Coatings Science and Technology Centre (CoaST)

The centre covers coating technologies along the entire value chain from raw materials, over formulation, test and characterization to production and application. In the broad perspective, the centre supports development, production and use of coatings with improved sustainability profiles over the lifetime of the coating.

Coatings for a better future

Coatings are highly complex multicomponent products, which must fulfil many conflicting requirements. Important properties are, for instance, strong adhesion to the substrate or underlying coating layers, adequate viscosity profile, long durability, continuous or durable appealing appearance, and all this at a competitive cost.

Functional coatings, in addition, must provide substrate protection such as resistance against corrosion or biofouling, or provide longer escape times during a fire.

Our history

The Hempel Foundation Coatings Science and Technology Centre (CoaST) was established at the Technical University of Denmark, DTU, as per 1 January 2017, based on a generous donation by the Hempel Foundation.

Our aims

Our aims within the area of sustainable coatings science and engineering are:

  • To provide in depth knowledge of current coatings challenges
  • To develop mathematical tools that quantify coating behaviour
  • To design experimental equipment for accelerated testing of coatings
  • To design novel coatings to establish laboratory facilities for both formulation and versatile testing of coatings.
CoaST Maritime Test Centre, Hundested


We are very open to cooperation with academia and industrial companies along the entire value chain.

Feel free to contact Centre Leader, Professor Kim Dam Johansen,


Kim Dam-Johansen

Kim Dam-Johansen Professor, Head of Department Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering