PROSYS, Process and System Engineering Center

Our main purpose is to perform research and provide education that will contribute to advancing technologies for future more sustainable (Bio)chemical production processes. Furthermore, our activities include digitalization of production processes. We also address societal challenges, mainly contributing to a few Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), most importantly sustainable production and consumption (SDG12), climate action (SDG13) and affordable and clean energy (SDG7).

Our research

Our research work, often in collaboration with industrial and academic partners (national and international), involves three main components:

  • Process systems engineering (PSE)
  • Bio-based transformations (biocatalysis, fermentation)
  • Separation Processes (Downstream Processing)


Collaboration is key to our existence, and therefore PROSYS has many international academic partners, and is involved in a broad range of industry collaborations. At the Department, we have frequent collaborations with PILOT and KT Consortium.


We are always interested in discussing new opportunities for future research collaborations, so please feel free to contact Head of PROSYS, Professor Krist Gernaey.


Krist V. Gernaey

Krist V. Gernaey Professor Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering