Research areas

Our research involves three main activities:
Process systems engineering (PSE)
- We develop computer-aided tools for a broad range of processes including food and pharma production, manufacturing of chemicals and wastewater treatment / resource recovery.
- We develop model-based and AI/ML methods and tools to address an array of areas within process systems engineering including process-product synthesis, design, control/monitoring and optimization of various processes across scales
Bio-based transformations (biocatalysis, fermentation)
We perform experimental and theoretical work that spans from microscale over lab and pilot-scale to full-scale activities, including also the digitalization of the systems studied.
- Within fermentation, we work with (an)aerobic pure and mixed cultures, and we have also developed activities involving scaling up/scaling down, computational fluid dynamics, and development/test of novel on-line sensors. This is paired with a more fundamental interest in microbial interactions, competition, physiology, biochemistry, and bioenergetics, which is thought to provide deeper insights into the governing principles of microbial life and thus to inspire novel innovative bioprocesses.
- In biocatalysis, multi-step biocatalysis and in-situ product removal (ISPR) are investigated, as well as oxygen supply methods for bio-oxidations. Enzymes investigated include alcohol oxidases, carbohydrate oxidases, cytochrome P450s, Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases, dehydrogenases, peroxidases, laccases and transaminases.
Separation processes (downstream processing)
- Within downstream processing, we cover a broad range of unit operations (e.g. distillation, crystallization, extraction, … chromatography), for example, investigating methods to obtain improved control of such processes, and have detailed expertise on different applications of membrane processes, particularly classical liquid operations – from microfiltration to reverse osmosis – and use of membranes for enzyme immobilization.